
Look what almost happen to me !!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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,i work at retail store,a customer came in. he had a 6month baby with him,we got to talking,he told me he didn't have a place to stay tonight,i called my pastor,who i couldn't get hold of,thank god!...i was going to see if i could get him some money for a motel,4 i didn't want the baby too be out sleeping in a car all night long,well i offered him to stay with me and my new girlfriend,next thing you know we are talking in the parking lot of the store i work at,the police pulled up,gun's drawn (scared the dodo out of me by the way),he done kidnapped his little girl from his mama,this is how god work's,a mad man out of control,i'm a new born christan want to help where i can..god protected me and my family,from a man who had nothing to lose...thank you god !!




  1. Don't listen to the ignorant atheist. Yes, God is good. Personally, I think God used you to help the baby. No telling what could of happened to the baby.


  3. wow you got lucky....thank God!

    and the poor little child!

  4. Wow!  A bunch of random crazy stuff happened to you!  It MUST be God!


  5. But what happened to girls?  You ignored them for God?  Sound cruel.

  6. Praise Jesus!! You did what jesus would do.

  7. GOD working in mysterious ways.    

  8. That's wonderful that the police caught up with him before he stayed all night with you.

    I just got thru reading "Angels On Earth" magazine and it told about so many people who were delivered from some kind of disaster because of angels helping them.

  9. I dont believe you...

    whats the ques??

  10. Catfish. MMMmmmmmmm

  11. The asker didn't actually have a question, but I wanted to respond to all those nay sayers who said that the cops saved him instead of God. God works through people. That's what we are here for. The asker did God's work just by holding up the kidnapper long enough for the cops to arrive, without even knowing it. His attempt at charity rescued a child from criminal hands and all you people can do is dump on him. I guess we are seeing the true face of atheism here.  

  12. wow, that is amazing, and here you were doing good

    to, you will be rewarded Im sure

  13. Maybe you weren't in any danger at all, but God used you to get the baby back where she belongs.  

    You were very generous in trying to help the man and his baby.  

  14. It sounds to me like the police saved you, not god...

  15. That's good, but sadly most of the time, you cant trust random people these days. They're always in trouble somehow.

  16. Thank God you didn't get hurt.

  17. Why did God put you in danger in the first place?

  18. *head desk*

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