
Looking For A Live Online Feed Of People Who Discuss Stocks.?

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Hey there just looking for a website if anyone knows of one where they have live video feeds of people who just talk about stocks.




  1. I don't know of a site that does live video feeds, but the site I use, has a community feel of people who just talk serious stocks, it might be a good starting place.

  2. I don't know of one, but I am a member of several yahoo stock trading groups where people write about them.  And I set my email preferences to receive them as they come in.  And they come in faster than I care to read them.  So, if you are interested, just email me and I'll send the links.  One group is more for a little longer term investors, the other is for day traders.  And I even know of ones for TA traders only.  

    I prefer reading what people say, rather than watching them, since I can go back and re-read if I need to.

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