
Looking For A Sister...Where Do I Begin??

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I have the birth mothers full name, and the fathers full name.

I also have the date and the place of the birth.

She was adopted out through the Luthern Services.

I also have the City and State..

She would be 42 years old as of this year.

The birth mother is no where to be found and the father gave me all the information which he had...

Where do I begin to look??

All help would be greatly appreciated...




  1. You should contact the services.Look up the services!

  2. If you contact the agency they should be able to help you.

  3. I would have to say hire an investigator, they have more power to find people. Can also find her online on people search. You may have to pay for her info but its there.

  4. First, register with ISRR (International Soundex Reunion Registry).

    Send in a donation if you can to help keep it running, but it is free.  All it costs is a stamp.

    Second, take a look at the links on this page.  This should help you with searching in Ohio.

    It might not be a bad idea to contact someone at Adoption Network Cleveland for ideas on searching Lutheran Services from Bowling Green.  They might be able to tell you the best search groups and/or searchers in the BG area  

    (216) 325-1000 and ask to speak to Linda Bellini, Program Coordinator/Adult Adoptees and Birthparents.

    I'm not sure if requesting the birth index from your sister's birthdate would be helpful, but here's some info about this:

    Scroll down to the section titled Ohio Birth Index.  Perhaps this would be a way to get her amended birth certificate number?

    See if your library has these books:

    Search: A Handbook for Adoptees and Birthparents  by Jayne Askin

    Adoption Searchbook: Techniques for Tracing People by Mary J. Rillera

    Birthright: The Guide to Search and Reunion for Adoptees, Birthparents, and Adoptive...

    Here is an online siblings registry:

    but I wouldn't place too much hope here.

    When you have specifics, don't forget about the Volunteer Search Network.

    Since you're searching for a father, I don't think you'll be able to access the medical records from the place of birth.

    This should be enough to get you started.  Keep good records of everyone you speak to, what you are told, the date you mail letters, each and every little clue.  It's a bit like a puzzle and you never know what little scrap of information might end up the key.

    Good luck!

  5. Go to the place where she was adopted out they should still have her records on file, that's where most people start out looking. I pray that you find her, good luck.

  6. Some States have a sibling registry.  It depends on where the adoptee was born.

    Which State?

  7. Start putting up her name and age one all the website and leave a message telling her to contact you. You can put it here...u never know she probably is answering questions too and maybe that question is yours. Put it on myspace, hi5, facebook. Try many websites. Next try google her name and use the directry to see if any name correspond to that of yours that you have. If you find any numbers make the call.

    If you need help I am willing to help you.

    Just let me know.

    Good luck on your search. I know how hard that must've been.

    Just know I am here to help if you need my help.

  8. Start off with what you already know, and go from there. You can use the online search engines like people search or yahoo search.

  9. You can also start looking on genealogy forums. A lot of them have specific areas for folks who are searching for adopted family members. When you post give as much information as you can it will help people when they look at your post. It doesn't have to be personal information abt. yourself just put the DOB and the place. That kind of information will help. I've put in a few links to some sites that you could post on if you like.

    Also if you would like any help I would be willing . I love family research. I've been working on my family for a while now.      

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