
Looking For A job But No one will Hire!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Im 18 but like i said no one will hire i tried footlocker wal-mart target gamestop t-mobile at&t and even mcdonald when i go to a inteveiw its seem like they or declining me kuz im black i allways wear suits never been in prison but have been in county jail but only for a week because the cops said that i was a supect to a murder and robbery but they said they would take it off my record is it still on their or is it because im black somebody please help me




  1. You need to check your criminal background to see if there's anything on there that could be holding back from getting offered a job.  If you were arrested,  there could be something on your background check that you don't know about.    

  2. You can use the race card but it won't work. You need to redouble your effort and hit the streets again and again. It could possibly be your attitude, try to be uplifting and motivated when in the interview or applying. That is; smile a lot and walk with a spring in your step, you may want to consider wearing clothes that fit well  (I know your generation has this thing about baggy pants and shirts), sometimes the initial appearence is boss. Since you are eighteen you need to begin expanding your horizons. Start hunting down construction, electrical and telecom industry jobs. Do the door to door thing and don't pass a business up because you don't like the store front. Simply walk in and ask if they are hiring or if you can fill out an application. You are only as good as you think you are... If you are not a murderer then don't worry about the week in jail. although you could check with junvinile authorities to make sure your name isn't out there on some unknown criminal record thing. If you have a computer it's a great place to look for jobs also.

    Good luck and do not give up!

  3. I think they took it off. You should go to the local police station and find out.

    As for the jobs you applied for. Timing is everything. When i first applied for a job (applied to 12 jobs), nobody even called me. Then I waited a few month, and reapplied to those same 12 jobs. 10 of them called me and set up an interview. 8 of them said they would take me.

    I ask them why they did not call me before. The interviewer told me that they were not hiring at that time. They only hire at a certain time such as November or beginning of summer.

    Just make sure that your record is erased because it will definitely affect you throughout your life.  

  4. You might want to touch base with a local community organization that specializes in helping people with less than perfect records find employment.  

  5. If you interview for a job your background should not be coming up...yet. Unless you have been convicted you need not tell them anything. Are your applications filled out correctly? Maybe you should practice interviewing with people, you are doing something wrong. For the job types you listed a suit is not neccesary, that is an overkill. A nice shirt and jeans or slacks is all that is required for those type jobs.  

  6. im thinking its your 'kuz im black' attitude!  they wont know about you being in jail yet so its probably just your own negativity and i DONT mean that in a bad way- i have the same problem!  i got the first 4 jobs i applied for with no problems and thought i could pass any interview but then i applied for another job and didnt get it and ever since then i just think im going to mess up on interviews and i have every time!  you just gotta think positively and believe you WILL get the job which will make you appear more positive at the interview and more like some one they want to employ.

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