
Looking For a Good snake Pet?

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Other Than ball/Royal pythons sand/rubber/rosy boas or cornsnakes?




  1. preferably the non poisonous ones

  2. Wow um... Why don't you want those certain snakes? They are the most gentle of all snake species. You should consider a ball python or a cornsnake.

  3. well, i would say a king snake (many varieties) or a milksnake.. but it depends on if you want a boa/python like snake or a colubrid.

    and it also depends on how larg you want the snake.

    water snakes are very easy to take care of. but they are escaping masterminds. and they dont get very big.

    but I would still say a ball python, but you can get many many varieties of them if you look in the right place. if you get to a breeder you can have so many options.  

  4. milk snake, king snake, rainbow boa, red tailed boa

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