
Looking Into A Rainbow Lorikeet. Your opinions?

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He looks like a wonderful bird, but how tough are lorries as far as keeping them? I know they need their nectar and such, but are there any other costs that will add up?

I figure I spend $700 on the bird/cage/(whatever else is included), maybe $20-30 on extra toys, but I am not quite sure on vet fees(for a check up). Also, how much do you estimate(roughly) that I will need to spend on upkeep?

Also, you may have noticed that I am very into the money aspect of things right now, but that is only because that seems to be the only snag. I have hours daily that I can give to the bird.




  1. he is soo cute get him  

  2. Well the first vet visit is expensive because they have to test the bird for PBFD and other diseases since some can be transmitted to people.

    check out they have a whole section dedicated to lorikeets:

    make sure you really know what you are info before getting the bird.

  3. I have a Swainson's Lorikeet (which is almost identical to the Rainbow Lorikeet) and I absolutely love her. I was worried about the different diet and how much cleaning it would require, but it's not bad. as far as cost go, the nectar I buy is about $20-25 (zupreem) and the pellets are about $10-15 (Pretty Bird). You will need something to line the bottom of the cage with, so that may be an added cost, however, I just use old newspaper. Toys should be rotated out ever so often so she/he doesn't get bored. As far as toys are concerned, the price all depends on how much you spend. Fresh fruit does add up, I can't really give you an estimate b/c I just go and get it and don't pay attention to prices. I go through a bag of nectar roughly every 6-8 weeks, she has a big cage and small cage to sleep in at night. She has a small cage in another room so she can get her undisturbed sleep, so I go through a little more than usual. I have had the same bag of pellets since May, so they go a long ways, but mine eats more nectar than pellets. They are a blast to have.  

  4. They're super gorgeous birds, but I was turned off of them due to their strange, strong smell and their very runny p**p, which they do a lot of. If you can get past that, go for it. You'll have a fabulous looking bird. Ask the owner lots of questions before buying, and check as to the tameness of the bird. Some can really bite hard!

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