
Looking after teenage sister, shes started period, its very heavy and has been eating lots. is this normal?

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my parents have gone away for a 4 week cruise around the world, i offered to look after my 13 year old sister. yesterday shes started her period. its a very heavy one, and its been giving her lots of pain. shes also eating a lot.

ive given her paracetamol is there anything else i can do ?

thanks everyone




  1. It's totally normal. Eating and cramping comes standard with all of mine ha-ha. I would give her some sort of muscle relaxant for the cramps, like ibuprofen. Maybe put her in a hot bath, or if she doesn't want to do that, get her to cuddle up with a heating pad/ hot water bottle against her, which might relax her muscles as well. It could help with her cramping. If she is in serious pain, take her to a doctor they might prescribe her something stronger like a t3. Also, get her to take a nap. Sometimes that helps me. If none of THAT works, sometimes exercises makes you feel less crampy as well.

    If next month she gets an extremely heavy period as well, she could consider going on birth control, as it helps a lot of woman get regular periods. Not only that but it makes them shorter sometimes, and a lot of girls say it reduces cramps as well. A lot of doctors prescribe it to woman with bad periods. I don't know where you live, but you don't need a parent to get it in Canada, if she's concerned about that. I don't think it would be a problem anyways if she's just using it to make her periods easier to live with.

  2. not much you can do about the heavy flow, red raspberry leaf tea can help with cramps, so can a heating pad applied to the abdomen. continue with the anti-inflammatory medicine

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