
Looking at John Prescott does anyone believe he use to chuck up after all his meals?

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Looking at John Prescott does anyone believe he use to chuck up after all his meals?




  1. No ... but looking at him has a similar effect on me after I've had my meal.

  2. No but he is a typical socialist.  I want it all and let the other buggers pay

  3. No, he has always been a fat Bar steward, in Hull there are still people who remember him from his steward days on the ferries....say no more.

  4. I suspect it was only so he could eat it again.

  5. Nobody really knows. I think he was more likely a comfort eater but this would not sell his book as well. I hope for his sake he is not lying as he would need to see another type of doctor otherwise.

  6. He may well have bulimia but he's not very good at vomiting. Look at the size of him. Well over 15 stones.

  7. Ha ha! but John does PACK A PUNCH!

  8. Well if he did he obviously didn't chuck up enough !

  9. we have not heard from the man in months, whats brought all this on ,  oh yeh  he has a book out ,  he wants to start throwing up again     fat bast**d..........................

  10. Maybe it was when he was a steward on a ship :)

  11. He would only chuck up so he could eat five free meals a night.

    Were the Romans bulimic when they visited the vomitarium?.

    No, they were just gluttons.

  12. it a mental illness not something that could be judged on appearance.

  13. Oh i believe it, he probably had his tenth portion and threw up cos he'd finally filled the tank that is his belly. Then did the same for each meal.

  14. It's well known he's an Alzheimer bullemic.  He ate and ate and forgot to throw up....

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