
Looking at buying a used MAC laptop. Can it run on my PC network?

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I'm looking at buying a Apple G3 WallStreet used laptop. Which is loaded with the OS 10.3.9 (Panther)... and nothing else. I don't know hardly anything about Mac's, but I'm pretty good with PC's. I have a windows xp desktop computer set up, and it has a wireless network. Can this apple laptop run off my windows wirless network? If so, how? I need to know before I make the purchase. I keep reading something about a airport card to do this? What if it doesn't have one? Here's the specs for the laptop:

266MHz G3 Processor


4GB Hard Drive

CD-ROM Drive (only reads CDs; will not read DVDs or write to DVD or CD)

Not AiPort compatible <------

No USB ports

No FireWire ports

1- SCSI port

1- ADB port

1- Serial port

Ethernet port

56K modem




  1. The problem with the Laptop you are looking at is that is has an old PCMCIA slot. NOT a PC card slot.  The only wireless cards that were ever manufactured for this system were IEEE 802.11b and they are no longer in production at all.

    A potential workaround.  This is a pretty clunky solution.

    NETGEAR XE-102 Powerline Ethernet Bridge.  Get of those animals and plug an Ethernet patch cable CAT6, between the Netgear Bridge and your Mac laptop.  Would be cumbersome at best for the coffee shop, but may be just fine for the back yard or dorm room.  There&#039;s also the The D-Link Xtreme N Duo Wireless Bridge/Access Point. Another clunky box you would have to have close to the laptop to connect the Ethernet to.  

    I would say skip that laptop and get something more recent.

  2. Why is it not airport compatible? If it is just a dial up modem, it cannot &#039;get&#039; wireless. It appears to be pre-wifi. Too bad. =[

    Otherwise it is sooooooooo  ÃƒÂ¯Ã‚£Â¿Ã¯Â£Â¿Ã¯Â£Â¿Ã¯Â£Â¿Ã¯Â£Â¿ easy

    my  Airport express manages the dsl network for 5 HPs, 2 dells, 2 , one IBM, and one Wang

    they all love the network and all play NICE...good old  Airport Express

  3. It can connect by ethernet cable.  If it&#039;s really cheap (like $50 or less) it might be worth it - if it&#039;s in brand new condition.

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