
Looking at the actual safety belt from Dale Sr's number 3 car on page 111 of NASCAR's official accident report

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does it look like the design of the metal piece itself would cut the belt under pressure even if properly used as designed?

If you look the belt loops and pulls pressure on the center sliding bar back against sharp edges of the outer part of the buckle. Under extreme pressure is this not a bad design? Wouldn't the more pressure that is on the belt cause it to cut it's belt?

Page 111




  1. It sure does look like that and that's a shame that as much that is put into these cars they would "overlook" something as important as this plus what a lost to the NASCAR world........

  2. In addition to the possible defective safety harness, Mr. Earnhart drove without a head restraint, which were optional at the time and are now mandatory...There is no way to know for sure if the head restraint would've helped him, but it was not wise on his part to drive at those speeds without all the protection available, even if it was a minor inconvenience.

  3. No, Simpson and others test their equipment far beyond what the human body can produce in a crash. If you remember watching the crash it really wasn't that bad of a hit. From the Story I heard from people at the track, the week earlier Dale was mad about the extra 8" of belt flapping around during the race. Before his last and final race, Dale himself cut the belt really short to keep it from flapping around. Under the load of the crash, the small amount of belt pulled through the buckle. Thus allowing that extra few inches. The webbing is tested at over 10k lbs. The first person who took the heat of his death was Mr. Simpson himself. When it was noted what Dale did, no charges were filed by DEI or Tereasa.Earnhardt

  4. I don't think  it matters now,  especially to Sr.

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