
Looking at the clock same time everyday?

by  |  earlier

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For about a year now, Ive been looking at the clock almost everyday at 6:09. Not only is it the time i look at, everything i do involved 6:09. I was setting my alarm for 9:50 and my finger slipped and it went to 6:09. I get missed phone calls from friends at 6:09. I dont understand it. Does it mean something?




  1. It means one of 4 things:

    -You subconsciously think about the numbers 6 & 9 a lot

    -You should play 609 box & straight if you have a state daily number drawing

    -It is a massive coincidence


    -Some other mystical force is at work that I cannot speculate on at this time.

  2. 6 and 9 are multiples of 3.  3 is a spiritual number and a healing number.  You should research numberology.

  3. I am getting the same thing from 11:11. It has been a daily occurence for over a year now. It is beyond coicidence. I have no idea what it means.

  4. look up  [ synchronicity ]

  5. Coincidence from obsessing.Think of other numbers and see what happens.

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