
Looking back five years, do you think the United States did the right thing...?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike taking military action against Iraq?

If not, do you think the Bush administration will eventually face some possible arrests for the alleged war crimes?




  1. absolutely not and i havent changed my mind in five years either...

  2. no i don't think we did the right thing although its good that Sodom is not in power anymore, but  went in the wrong way, we weren't ready for an occupation let alone a war. however i don't think anyone in the bush administration should be arrested unless its proven with hard evidence that they broke the law in someway

  3. Just like it was already proven in the past....Bush lied, Then thousands died!

    This whole country thought the Bush Administration had the real reasons in the first place. Then it became covered up quagmire and then showed there wasn't any real reason before the invasion until AFTER the invasion of Iraq, nothing but quagmirin' messiness.

    The Commander in Chief's role in this war was of selfishness, frivolous and also uncalled for.

    Impeachment should've happened a long, long, time ago. I'm already speculating that this will catch up to Bush and his Admin, and arrests will be made eventually. I only hope so...war crimes are not acceptable in my book.

    Within the origin of the invasion caused by Al-Quaida (sp?),

    We should have gone after the terrorists in Afganistan and Pakistan and stepped up protection of our borders.The invasion of Iraq was ill considered. Bush/Cheney lied to the nation for their own aims.

    The cost of this war is an unconscionable burden in lives lost and interrupted, and economic impact.

    All I have to say is....Shame on Bush and his administration!!

  4. Yes and no. Bush did nothing illegal when we invaded Iraq.

  5. Ofcourse twas wrong on their part yaar!

    Bush got extremely agressive!

  6. I agree with D.C. above....Bush DID use our country for his own aims....I hope the Federal and International laws catches up with Bush and his administration as'll take time, but the whole truth always comes out, never fails.

    D.C got my thumbs up!

  7. No. But I doubt that anyone will face charges for an illegal war.

  8. George Bush used Jesus Christ to sell the American people fear of Saddam's WMD that didn't exist. Since America bought his story, he hasn't mentioned Jesus since.

  9. No, and it doesn't look that way.

  10. a simple assassination would have sufficed , but then where's the profit in that? charges ? i think those politicians directly responsible should hang for treason

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