
Looking for 'work' in the 'paranormal' field?

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any job sites anyone knows of as i can't seem to find ANY




  1. I would suggest set up a paranormal group to investigate ghosts and stuff as theres not really much work in it. Id help you set it up, though i think you once told me you live in the south?

  2. The paranormal field is best left to amateurs. That means unpaid work, I'm afraid.

    James Randi has loads of money available to anyone who can prove anything paranormal. It has been on offer for, I think, at least 20 years. Maybe you should go for that?

  3. Hello, Heidi, and thank you for a most interesting posting. I have been a ghosthunter for a lifetime - literally - and in my view there are very few - if indeed, any - vacancies in this field. I have yet to learn of any.

    Why not continue as you are? You are performing a most valuable service and - if you can ever help anyone with spiritual guidance - that is a bonus.

    I do not think there is such a thing as a full-time position in this field, nor will there be. The majority of those who do seem to command good salaries, eg, television presenters of the paranormal, are fraudulent sensationalists, in my view. Remember, a true God-given gift should never ever be prostituted for money.

    You sound genuine and sincere. I wish you well.

  4. Sorry, no one is offering jobs in the field of paranormal studies.  Only a couple of universities do any research in that field, and they don't offer degrees in it.  The only paranormal investigators that make any money off it are the people with TV shows or skeptics like Joe Nickel.  So you can start your own paranormal group, but don't expect anyone to pay you for it.  Actually, charging them for it will be illegal in some places.

  5. Alot of people would love to do this.You can study and teach,it's a growing interest.

  6. go and play the sims

  7. who ya gonna call

  8. Not a good idea. Dont mess around with spirits, most of them are evil and they can really tear you apart inside out.

  9. you can be a ghost buster

    Who ya gonna call? GHOSTBUSTERS!

  10. try this place


  11. That is because there are not any.

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