
Looking for Advice from those who have had an IUI??

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Hi All,

For those who have had an IUI before, can you give tell me what type of experience you had? Did it work? How many times did you have to try? I go for my first IUI sometime next week. I should get my surge on the 4th or 5th. I am excited and nervous at the same time. I don't want to get my hopes up. My husband and I are perfectly healthy, have one son already who is 3 1/2 (we conceived him naturally without trying), and now have been trying for a 1 1/2 years. My husband has a great sperm count, and all my tests and exams came out fine. Anyway, when should we start refraining from s*x? Has anyone ever had a successful IUI w/o using any other meds? Any stories, experiences, advice, etc. would be nice.

Thanks in advance!




  1. Hi there -

    A good friend of mine gave birth to Tucker Vincent last week, the product of her third round of IUI with Clomid.  Her tests were all fine, but her husband had low sperm count...I think they just used the Clomid to remove any doubt that she would ovulate successfully.  I don't have any insight other than to offer that it can definitely be a successful procedure!  Good luck to you!

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