
Looking for CNN radio frequency?

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who knos CNN radio frequency, its AM or FM, who can tell me CNN's frequency,

if its doesnt have radio, then which radio only "Talking"

i want to learn speaking, and almost radio play musics, i dont understand and not really hopeful.




  1. CNN's initials mean Cable News Network, which means that it is available over TV cable services.  It's not broadcast over the air in video form.  However, certain radio stations pay CNN to carry the sound portion of their broadcasts, and it is probably one of these which you've heard.  

    Broadcast radio stations in the United States have a fairly short range, and since we don't know where you are there is no way to tell you which stations you might be able to hear that carry CNN.  

    It's possible that certain short-wave stations carry CNN, but if you wish to pursue short-wave radio, you'd be best to search for US Armed Forces Radio or the BBC, both of which I think may still have short-wave services.  

    If you have access to the computer you're using, you'll find that you can get BBC's audio feed from, I think.  Since the BBC was meant to be a radio service, and CNN is only the audio portion of a TV broadcast, you'd probably be best off learning to speak English from the BBC.  Many people have learned spoken English from the BBC, and they have profited from it.  A British accent is considered a good asset in the US.

  2. Not knowing where you are, it's hard to give you information.

    Usually talk programs are on AM radio.. Only lower performing stations I find run CNN news but then I don't know of a station list anywheres.

    CNN does feature some of it's content online though

    In the US, NPR or National Public Radio is found below 92.1 in most towns and usually has some talk shows there also to listen and learn to.

    In Canada, CBC radio is all over the dial.. but have the same format for talking as say CNN or NPR.

    The other links people provided can be found online also, but the BBC and the VOA special english I think would benifit you the most.

  3. Try the Voice of America's programs in "Special English", just for people who are learning English. Try for a schedule of these broadcasts, which are available online.

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