
Looking for Flo Compton re- married, Son name is Kyle <span title="Compton,worked@Sears,lived">Compton,worked@Sears,live...</span> in <span title="massoula,Mt.?workbank@Boze">massoula,Mt.?workbank@Boz...</span>

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Lived inMissoula,Mt.o Bozeman?she worked @bank? he worked @ Sears this was 5or6 years ago.? zipwas59834? St.I have Reserve? I am Kyle's adopted grandmother. My Name is Patricia Randall I go byTrish I used to live @3403 239th St. Ridgefield,Wa.98642 Please some one must have heard of one of them. @ one time she went with a man named Sam Ibelieve his last name was Smith? Sam & Flo used to line dance, and did lots of Rodeo things, like penning . Trish/Patricia Randall




  1. I&#039;m Christopher Compton son of Gary   Flo&#039;s my grandma    is there any thing i can help with?

    you can give me a call  360 980-3773

  2. Dozens of people must know them, but the chance of anyone who does looking here in the 4 - 5 days your question is open is small.

    Many people like


    1) You know where and when either one graduated from high school

    2) That high school class has a reunion committee

    3) Flo or Kyle has told the reunion committee where she/he lives and so on

    Then the reunion committee may forward a message for you. They won&#039;t reveal addresses or telephone numbers, for privacy&#039;s sake, but they will forward messages, in most cases. The fact neither Kyle nor Flo has called or written hints that they would not respond to that message, sadly.

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