
Looking for Kipling manufacturer?

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Can anyone let me know who is the Vietnam Kipling manufacturers? I intend to do business with them. Sorry, I was not sure which category I should go to, therefore,I have chosen this. thank you a bunch!




  1. Mr Kipling - he does make exceedingly good cakes

  2. Are you talking about Kipling, the international maker and vendor of travel and leisure bags, shoes, apparel and accessories? Do do you mean by doing business with them? Are you planning to buy their stuff or what? If you answer, I may be able to help you more. =]

    Oh, ok. I'm sorry but I don't think that the Kipling brand is very famous and well known in Vietnam. I have done research and ask several people, but I don't think that any knows about a Kilping brand in Vietnam. You may be better off buying bags from other brands. Brands like Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, and things like that are very common in Vietnam.


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