
Looking for Radio Air Time?

by  |  earlier

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Does anybody have a link to Where Radio stations advertise for open Air time.

I want to broadcast my show.




  1. you have to contact their sales departments.  Go to the radio staation's website, and find a link for sales.

  2. There are different radio stations for diifferent areas.

    Where do u live?

  3. you need to contact the station in question your after broadcasting on, failing that just start your own station for free on here on the net

    regards x kitti x

  4. Unless its a job opening stations dont broadcast shift availability . . .  Plus most companies give you an outline of what to say, play, etc, so even if you do have a show ready to go they would change it so much you prolly wouldnt want to do it anymore . . .  as far as internet radio goes, i have no idea.  Why not try public access or youtube first to get some fans?  A fan base never hurts . . .

  5. i will not seek and i will not accept any guest appearances no matter what i might be offered. i must regretfully decline your offer.

  6. Some stations will give you a weekend show but it costs moolah

  7. Check the smaller AM stations near you. Some of them no doubt broker airtime. Most go to religious applications, preachers with the backing of their church to pay the bills; stockbrokers, a dentist, doctor or lawyer with call-in advice  offering advice to gain new clients; and so on.

    If you have a show you'd like to broadcast, make sure you have pre-sold the advertising (gotten a committment from the advertisers) and then contact the stations and see who will broker the time to you. You will be subject to all the rules and regs that any other show that broadcasts.

    Good luck!

    -a guy named duh

  8. Radio stations normally don't advertise those open air slots. This is something you have to call/visit the business office of local radio stations to find out.... But you will probably be found on a AM station as FM stations charge hard for that time....

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