
Looking for Small Business Investors?

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I have a small Engineering Consulting Firm that is getting more business than we currently have staff to handle. We need to expand into a larger office. How do I go about finding investors willing to help us out?




  1. O.K. now to try an answer your question. What resources do you have? And how are you structured? Is your firm an entity or a sole proprietor? If it is not an LLC or corp do it now. People are far more comfortable joining an LLC or corp than in a unstructured partnership. (way too much liability and no real organization.) Secondly work on the companies credit profile, it shows stability and responsibility. That is tracked by third parties (like personal credit) and often used to check out companies.

    Is your personal credit good  enough t oget a biz loan or line (make sure it doesn't report to your personal credit at the bureaus)

    Have a very good well thought out and drafted business plan. Acut and paste template wont do. Try some v.c. firms (venture capital) They will want a good size piece of your business.

    Go to   there is some good info there on small business.

    Then visit your local SCORE, it is an SBA sponsored program of retired executives in your area who may be able to help.

    Good Luck and Congratulations on your growth.  

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