
Looking for Sue anne daughter of Bill & Jeny Heard of Ballina, N.S.W she married John Sevele of Tonga?

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Sue anne was married in Tonga, she was only 18 at the time. She returned to Ballina in NSW but later on she separated and I like to contact her asap. If anyone knows anything about this girl please let me know. I believed she have kids and remarried now




  1. Hi Dude. Nope do not know the people you mentioned, and you will have to re post. Have you tried the Australia section under travel ?

  2. I would love to be able to help but.I think that you may have inadvertantly posted this in the wrong category.This is the Royalty section and the people ask and answer questions about Royalty.I don't know what category you would put this in but,if you click on "all categories" you may find something more appropriate.Good luck.

    Edit.....Click all categories>family and relationships>friends.I hope you find the person you are looking for.

  3. I do not know

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