
Looking for Wax and Wash Product for my Car?

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I am looking for the best product that both waxes and washes your car and then you can just dry it off. There are so many products out there and I am looking for the best one. From your experience what do you recommend and at what store can I find it ?





  1. No wash product will do a good job waxing your car. Hand waxing after hand washing is the only way. I like Meguires wax, and any car wash soap(don't use dish soap, it removes wax). If your paint doesn't feel glass smooth, use Meguires clay bar, then wax. A good wax job lasts a few months, so just do it!

  2. to be honest with you there is no best product  there all garbage nothing beats washing the car than waxing

  3. "Turtle Wax, Wash-n-Wax"

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