Hey everyone.
I have had dogs in the past, and my old German Shepherd sadly, died a few years back.
I'm now looking to find a new companion. I need some help since I'm not too book smart on Breeds and Breed characteristics. I'm looking for a dog that is kind of laid back, preferably a smaller breed of dog. A dog that will lay up on you and cuddle, but still go on a walk a day or so. I do have a cat, that's really playful, and jumps around other dogs, she's fine with dogs. But the dog has to be OK with her too.
I'm looking for a dog that isn't very energetic, but mildly energetic is fine.
Some dog breeds I have in mind.. Pug, Yorkie, English Bulldog... DO these fit my requirements?
PS: I live in an apartment, which is why I don't want a high energy dog. Thanks in advance!