
Looking for a Specific Cookie Store in Chicago?

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My boyfriend loves a certain cookie place in Chicago but I can't remember the name of the place. All I remember is that it is kind of a short name and it starts with an M. He's in the Marines and I wanted to surprise him by sending him some...but if I ask him he will know what I am doing. Does anyone know any cookie stores in Chicago that start with an M? I think if I hear it I will know it. Thanks!




  1. Marie's Cookies Incorporated

    (773) 477-8865

    2000 N Racine Ave, Chicago, IL 60614

    Mrs Fields

    May Pypes Cookies & Sweets Incorporated

    (773) 561-1542

    4876 N Ashland Ave, Chicago, IL 60640

    Giving an idea of the location would be helpful.  Was it just a cookie store or bakery?

  2. Maurice Lennal. They also have a outlet store.

  3. Mrs Fields??  What part of Chicago was it located - north, south, west?  Does the name of the place rhyme with anything?  What kind of cookie was it?

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