
Looking for a bakery in Toronto that sells diabetic cakes & pastries.

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My husband is diabetic and I'm trying to find a bakery in Scarborough, Ontario that sells diabetic cakes & pastries. Anyone know if there is one somwhere that I sells good tasting baked goods for diabetics? Thanks!!




  1. I'm diabetic, too, and I haven't found a specialty shop with tasty pastries. I prefer to have a SMALL piece of a real cake than a quasi-cake. It's not just the sugars but also the carbs in the flour and corn starch, etc. that we need to consider.

    There are all kinds of recipes available for home-baking but I find that an apple crisp gives me fruit and the oatmeal crust to satisfy my urge to splurge. Cinnamon is a good way of tricking my taste-buds into "thinking" sweetness.

  2. the only thing a diabetic pastry has that is different from a regular one is the sugar but you need to remember that the carbohydrates also come from the flour that the pastries are made from.  If your husband wants to indulge in pastries, he is better off with 1 real one and figure that in to his daily carb allowance rather than fiddle with some fake tasting daibetic ones.  Many times the real deal has fewer calories in general than the sugar free version and tastes better as well so it takes less to satisfy.  Also, an angel food cake is probably already listed in his diabetic diet food list and those are available in most grocery stores(here in US anyway)

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