
Looking for a better Barrel Racing bit?

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I cannot seem to find a bit that works for my horse, and its costing me a lot in his attitude and the way i ride him. At the moment im using a sherry cervi long shank dogbone as seem here!CLASS but its just not working for him anymore. He doesnt stop, constantly is running through is and no matter how much i try to work him out of that i cannot get a good whoa with this bit. i dont know if i just need something for severe for him or what. Ive tried a wonder bit, a long shank molly powell bit, and that works very well but its almost too serve to the point where he freaks to get away from the pinch and pressure. so what do you think would work best for him. hes a big horse, with alot of power and i want to be able to get a bit that helps control that. not saying hes a wacky horse, i just think he knows his job and does it well but needs to right bit to do it. any suggestions or advice?




  1. You sure he's not getting his tongue over it and that it fits correctly?

    If he's not listening to something like that I would suggest just doing a ton of work on stopping.  Starting at a walk, ask for a stop.  If he does it immediately give him praise and a pat.  If(when) he doesn't, pull until he does and then make him back up ten steps or so.  When he stops well, move on to a trot/jog,  then a canter/lope, and finally a gallop.

    Mine all run in a plain curb, though I would use a snaffle if it was legal.

  2. I use a tom-thumb snaffle and my horse responds very well to should try it..its easy on their mouth without loosing the control you need...he was on the curb bit..but he didnt like that one..but we work very well together now that he has the snaffle

  3. use a perfect D. they are great bits thats what I use on my barrell horses, and my penning horses

  4. A Tom Thumb snaffle is a curb bit with a broken mouthpiece, and it is a severe bit.  A snaffle bit, by definition, is any non leverage bit that has no shanks. It would be hard to imagine a bit any more severe than the one you are using.  He really needs to be retrained at this bit will work to stop your could try a mild hackamore, but I doubt it will work either.  You have to train him to whoa off of your leg, weight, and seat cues....I would get help from a good trainer and stay off of his mouth.

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