
Looking for a breeder or supplier of small land tortoises. I live in Melbourne, Victoria. Help?

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I want a Hermann's Tortoise or something similiar like the Red-footed tortoise, to keep as a pet. Have fallen in love with those tortoises... Help is appreciated!




  1. Im afraid you can't keep any of these species as you live in Australia, we are limited to keeping native species of turtle - most of them being aquatic.

    Here is a link to the Victorian Herpetological Society.

    There is infomation there you need about the reptile license for your state, caresheets for different species, and information on meetings if you wish to attend one. I think it would be great as you can gain knowledge from people in person that have similar interests.

    Also check out , its currently down but should be up again in the next few days. People there will be able to help you in choosing which turtle is right for you and to help locate a breeder near you.

    Good luck!

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