
Looking for a career with psychology and music?

by Guest67078  |  earlier

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I hope to get a psychology degree, and on the side love singing and was wandering if there was any relevant fields I could go into which combined the two subjects? I've looked into music therapy, which helps disabled people and young children make their own music but this isn't really for me. I've not had much luck. I'm interested in how music is interpreted in the human mind, can help psychological as well as physical disorders, and what seperates genious'. I love parapsychology, but have never come across any 'music psychologists' ! Help would be great, thanks! :)




  1. It sounds like you're interested in research. Do a combined degree (if possible) in psychology and music, and then continue on to do higher research. When you get the Ph.D level you can hopefully tailor your own research to your particular interests. It doesn't have to fit neatly within a specific discipline.

  2. There are many churchs called "Religious Science" look up info. & start calling the minsters about this. They will even do what they call a prayer treatment for you so you are guided & directed to what you need to know.....They may hire you to give classes. You could eventually, write books & make tapes teaching this to everyday people who are very interested in improving their life through music. These are the kind of people who are into alternative healing. Actually, I can't remember what category you posted your question under but go into the alternative health section & ask it there. I don't know if you will get more people on the weekend or more during the week but their might be a difference.

  3. Congratulations on your aspirations!

    Check out Dr Oliver Sacks (web link below) and his new book -and contemporary research on Music and the Brain.

    I've read the book (Musicophilia) -it's a great read and I believe the book itself as well as Dr. Sack's research will offer you perspectives that will carry you forward in your search for just the right mix of psychology and music.

    Good luck -and have fun!

  4. Your interests actually correlate well with music therapy. There is much more to music therapy than what you have described. For one, MT is for people of all ages, and for well individuals too. There are several research facilities around the world that study the physiological & psychological effects of music, including the Center for Biomedical Research in Music in Colorado & the Institute for Music and Neurologic Function in New York, both headed by music therapists. You should definitely check out Dr. Sacks' work, as another person suggested.

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