
Looking for a centrifuge to clean my oil from the cold press that I can afford?

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My name is Daniel McAmoil,, I am a farmer who is making my own bio diesel fuel from sunflowers. The issue I'm dealing with at this time is the fine mud I get from crushing sunflowers with my cold press. Its a real pain to filter as bag filters plug with just a few gallons unless one lets the oil settle for a week or longer.

From my reading off the net I see there are self cleaning units on the market,, but all I have found are way more than I need for size, and cleaning ability's and costs.

The specs I'm looking at would be 20 to 25 gallon an hour..

Would like to clean the oil up to 3 to 5 microns

I'm dealing with about 2% to 5% solids.

Would like a self cleaning unit so it could catch the oil right from my cold press and them pump clean oil into storage tanks.

Thanks for your time

Daniel McAmoil






  1. Have you considered a stepped filtering process? Similar to Reverse Osmosis water could pump the oil through a 20 micron filter, then a 10, then a 5...if you had an ideal pump that could keep steady pressure I think that would be fine. I don't know much about filtering with a centrifuge but it sounds complicated and expensive. I'm assuming simple particulate filters from an industrial supply company could fit my method of stepped filtering above, a supply tank, pressure pump, lines and a storage tank for the filtered oil should be all you need.

    Also, maybe check out FS2000, it's a bypass filter for diesel and it filters down to a very low micron, it's relatively expensive but it just might work.

    Good luck, sounds like a cool project.

  2. Cuno makes a brand of filter called Auto-Klean which is not centrifugal but has no replaceable filter element, it filters between metal discs, and there's a handle outside the filter that you can turn 1/4 turn to clear the filter.   It can also be disassembled without messing with the piping to it.

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