
Looking for a certain toy for my niece, but I can't remember the name of it!!?

by  |  earlier

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I remember back when I was in elementary I loved this one certain toy but I can't remember what it is called. I'm trying to get one for my niece for her bday.

Basically, there are interchangeable templates where you can change the head, body and legs (with outfits) to design the "style" that you like and place a piece of paper on top of the template, use a pencil to scribble the paper while it is on top of the template and then it copies the template onto the paper.

I really do not remember the name of it!!! I've been searching for something that she will like and I know she will totally like this.

Anyone know? Thanks?




  1. They have several different names. I've seen  them for Barbie and Bratz and other fashion dolls etc. I had one when I was little too. I think it was Barbie and had dual sided plates, one side had a picture of head - torso - legs, and the other side had "textures" so you could add patterns to your styles. It's been years but I think mine was just called "Barbie Fashion Plates".

  2. haha cool no idea tho.

  3. I do remember the things you are talking about. I don't remember the name of them though. But..........I did find something similar at this websites:

    This one is a Bratz:

    Hope these links will be of some help.

  4. what i would do is just call or email and ask what the name is, but don't ask her ask her mom or dad.

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