
Looking for a corporate sponsor for softball to play in tournaments all around colorado?

by  |  earlier

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We have a good team but where willing to use your business name when we play.Whether it be on our shirts or on the schedules.To help get your name out and advertise yet at the same time help us enjoy the game of softball.If you know of anyone of how i can pursue a potential sponsor please help.Please help.Tournaments are a great way to advertise.




  1. Well this is ONE way to try to find one.  But I doubt you are going to get any serious benefactors from here.  

    If you want a sponsor, you need to target business that are likely to be interested in your offer, and ask them directly!  Your best bet is to start with the businesses that are local to you, who would benefit from any sponsorship perks, like advertising, and go to them with your proposal.  I suggest writing a letter first, with your request and information, and following up with a phone call or in-person visit by members of the team.  Your next option is to check major sports-related industries (MLB, footwear manufacturers, baseball/softball equipment manufacturers, etc.) and see if their web sites have any information about grants/sponsorships.  Most companies donate to some cause or social issue, so you may find one that will help you out.   You can also supplement your fundraising with activities such as benefit car wash, bake/cookie sale, sell t-shirts, etc.

  2. Here's a thought for you. When I was on a softball team a few years ago our manager made a single phone call to a local beer distributor and told him that our team goes to a certain bar after every game and wanted to know if he was interested in having us wear his company's beer name on our shirts for a fee. The distributor actually sent him team shirts with his name on the front of the shirts as well as extra ones for us to hand out to loyal fans who might follow us to the bar after the games.

    But I'm wondering, are there any beer companies in Colorado? Of Coorse there are.

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