
Looking for a creative way to "wrap" the trip to Ireland I have planned for my wife and children. Any ideas??

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Looking for a creative way to "wrap" the trip to Ireland I have planned for my wife and children. Any ideas??




  1. look on ebay for a cheap "sno globe" souvenier that has a scene of ireland.... wrap that and when she opens it tell her...

    OR print a scroll that you can roll up out on the computer detailing the trip and slip the rolled paper thru a  Claddagh wedding Ring or  Celtic Engagement  Ring....

  2. Buy a teapot. Buy some Irish Breakfast tea, raw sugar, honey, etc. Fix it up pretty in a basket. Put the plane tickets or a little note in the teapot. When your wife opens the teapot she'll go crazy. I also like the travel-size items wrapped in the Irish flag (especially with the new TSA regulations on 3 oz bottles in a ziploc bag). You could also purchase an Irish road map, travel book, Irish atlas, etc. and wrap them up in a new carry-on case. Hope this helps.

  3. Wrap it in a map of Ireland and sprinkle green clover confetti inside.

    You can get the confetti at a party supply store.

    You could google a map of Ireland and print it yourself.

    Or try a Rand McNally store maybe at your mall?

    Good luck and have fun!

  4. You could wrap it in a tube from an Irish whiskey bottle (obvious secondary benefit there) or in a box of Lucky Charms cereal.  When I gave my wife diamond earrings I put them in a blender.  She was suprised that I would get her a kitchen appliance untill she realised that the blender had 'ice'.

  5. I know it's a bit corny, but you could do the 'box, in a box, in a smaller box...' idea. Then you could play pass the parcel...

  6. Visit Charleville Castle.  Has the oldest oak tree in Europe on the property lots of history my friends live there and it is being restored entirely on the help of volunteers that come and visit Ireland and stay and do some work and go on their way.  You can tour the castle for a small fee go to

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