
Looking for a definitive answer on the status of the Yahoo message boards?

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Is there anyone out there who can tell me if Yahoo is going to bring back the message boards? I'm not interested in conspiracy theories, just the facts, hopefully from someone at Yahoo. I know there was a lot of garbage on them, but also a lot of interesting and funny stuff, and it was nice to become familiar with regular posters. Surely Yahoo has the capability to filter out bad language and other problems, or have all its best techies gone over to Google? Yahoo, if you want to compete with Google and others, the message boards are an important feature to offer users.




  1. I'm surprised they didn't simply allow them to continue and add the answer boards as a separate feature. Frankly the old message boards were totally obnoxious but they did give the angry nuts a place to go. Seems as though Yahoo could have justified them as a therapeutic service. I liked them and didn't moan when I got blasted or insulted. So what? Life goes on......

  2. The Yahoo! message boards are dead.

    Let's give them a proper burial.

  3. Are they really dead? We shall see about that. I have made this petition to bring them back

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