
Looking for a dirt bike.?

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Now im looking for a dirtbike... and im just wondering wat would be the MosT sutable for IM 5'11" and 230lbs. I was thinking a 250 4 stroke or maybe 2 stroke. Im just wondering for my size.




  1. Both the 250F and 250 2 stroke will be the same size physically. The 2 stroke will be sprung a little stiffer. I really think you would enjoy the 250F more, it is a much more versatile bike all around.

  2. i would recommend a 250f 4 stroke, they are the best for all around riding. look at the kawasaki kxf250 or the suzuki rmz250.

  3. what kind of riding. is it trail riding , motocross racing, enduro I love my kx250f but if I were riding trail or enduro it is a little peaky for a heavier guy like us the KTM300 2 stroke enduro is probably the best all around bike I have ever riden

  4. ur pretty big, for ur size and weight id get a 450 fourstroke or a 250 twostroke

  5. 250 4 stroke

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