
Looking for a dress shop in Chgo burbs,3 occasions, one wedding - hard to fit due to surgeries shop?

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Cannot find a store/shop in burbs that deals with and understands women who have had breast cancer surgeries. Have tried bigger stores which will remain unnamed, walking away in tears. Any help out there?




  1. Most bridal stores have an instore seamstress that can do alterations but they need several weeks time.  You could talk to your local dry cleaners to see if you buy a dress, if their taylor can alter it for you then you could buy a dress in a larger size that can be altered to fit (new or 2nd hand and since formal dresses are seldom worn more than once, a second hand dress would be less expensive so you could afford expert tayloring).

    Of course you know to wear the undergarments for the fitting that you'll be wearing under the dress.  If you have edema, you might want to look at sleeveless dresses and then wear a pretty shawl draped over your arms, that would solve the issue with fitting the sleeves.

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