
Looking for a few more won't eat.

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My baby usually is a great eater, and he really lets me know when he's hungry.

He slept lastnight from 11-7, then woke up really hungry, and had 2oz.

Then I took him to my mother's, and she has been trying to get him to finish his remainder (4oz)...he is whining and won't eat.

She prepared some rice cereal and he did eat that.

Isn't it unusual. After sleeping all night he doesn't want his normal full meal? What could it be?

He doesn't have a fever. He is not cranky. He is 4 months old.

* My pediatrician told me to put him on please no posts about that. Please.




  1. If he's not cranky and not whining to eat then just feed him when he's ready to eat...don't force it!

    Our baby sleeps all night also and sometimes when he wakes in the morning he doesn't want to eat for an hour or so after getting up and I don't force him to eat, he just lets me know...and he's 22 lbs and 7 months so trust me, he's not starving..

    Our baby had spurts where he would eat more and eat less and it would change and the doc would always say don't worry and we wouldn' long as he poops and pees the same and plays and crys and sleeps and acts normal then go on with your day as usual...BUT if he starts acting different that's when you need to worry..

  2. Is he batting away the bottle and getting angry/screaming? Is he spitting up a lot?

    It could be reflux if he is spitting up A LOT or vomiting...

    My 3month old, had an issue with eating all of a sudden a few weeks ago...he was a very healthy eater!!! Then one day, batted away the bottle and would scream!!! So we switched his formula from Similac advance to Enfamil Gentlease...still didn't take to it...I feel he got close to the doc said give him some pedialyte..we did, he liked it...then we started putting it in his bottles with the formula...he won't take a bottle now without it!!!!  

  3. He could have reflux or is teething

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