
Looking for a good Speach Theapist for my daughter who has autism?

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Looking for a good Speach Theapist for my daughter who has autism?




  1. Hi you should really talk to your child Doctor who would have put you in touch if they feel your daughter needs it, My son Thomas is nine and he has severe autism non verbal, he was given speech therapist for a while then he moved on into school and they do it there ...depending when you live you should talk to your child's pediatrician

  2. i would check with first the Dr. then the school dist. that you live in-it doesn't matter if the child goes to school or not. a very good friend of mine is a speech therapist with children who have autism. It's free if you use a school dist. therapist and they are the same people who work privately(as in the referals that the doc will make)

  3. There should be a national autism society that can direct you to a local chapter near you that will provide therapy/services. Did you try looking in the Yellow Pages?

  4. I recommend consulting other parents of autistic kids locally.

  5. some schools provide it

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