
Looking for a good alternative to running ?

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I had knee surgery and was in a near fatal car accident and my knees are done! So....I'm looking for a good alternative to jogging/running (pool is not available). I would like to lose about 5 pounds and tone my stomach (I use a stability ball for that). Any tips on effective cardio (the gym is out, too much money). Thanks all.




  1. She's right; an elliptical machine is probably the closest thing to running without putting much stress on your joints.

    I'm a big fan of in-line skating, depending on how much wear is left in those knees.  It's low-impact and cardio-intensive, but if your knees are damaged enough that one impact per skating season would be an issue even with knee pads, skip it!  I've been skating for years, and although I have zero skating injuries, I certainly fall and hit my knees about once a year.

    Speed walking may be an option if the cost of any additional equipment is prohibitive.

    Jump rope is out, but hula hooping is good zero-impact cardio.

    You could also rent or purchase a cardio-boxing fitness DVD.  If they go overboard with high-kicks or difficult stances, skip those and simply follow along with what you can manage.

    If you're still doing physical therapy after your accident, Wii Fit is amazing for that.  It's been a couple months since I was hit by a car, and it's helped me get a lot of my strength and flexibility back.  It also has some low-impact, low-intensity cardio.  Don't stress if you can't afford it, though:  you could do everything on there without the program.  It's hula hooping, yoga, strength training, and cardio boxing.  For you, I'd skip the step aerobics and jogging in place. :-P

    Good luck!  I'm glad you survived the accident!

  2. I'm a figure skater and speak from experience.  I save tearing my knees up for when I'm on the ice jumping and spinning.  Off-ice, I do lots of different things to keep from getting bored.  

    You will need to burn more calories than what you eat to lose weight.  Walking is a very big thing that you can do to help yourself, even with knee injury or pain.  Ask your doctor, if you don't use your muscles or bear weight on your bones they WILL WEAKEN OVER TIME!  Also, keep in mind that it takes about 6 weeks to build up muscle and aerobic stamina but just 2 weeks of inactivity to LOSE ALL THAT YOU'VE WORKED FOR!  

    You could do simple things such as using your arms & lifting 3 or 5 lb. barbells, doing crunches, or using one of those small bicycle things you can find at wal-mart...only put it on a table and work your arms instead of aggravating your knees.  You could march in place, do front, back & side leg lifts.  If you have 5 or 10 min. breaks during the day, stretch your body, this does burn some calories and relaxes you too.  

    You will keep your muscles active, flexible and strong.  Don't stretch in positions that hurt & be sure to stretch your arms overhead & then as far behind you as you can.  A lot of people of ALL ages lose range of motion in their shoulders and backs because of our sedentary lifestyles.  Cut down on the calories, switch to calorie-free drinks, avoid sugar and white bread.  Use skim milk & egg whites, and make sure you eat more fresh fruits and veggies whether or not you take supplements. Don't completely cut out the good stuff, just don't eat as much.  Good luck!

  3. Have you tried an eliptical machine???

    also, walking is ery good exercise with low impact. Are you able to walk or does that bother your knees too badly?

    I am glad to hear that you are wanting to exercise despite your limitations, it will make you feel better physically and emotionally.

    best wishes to you.

  4. Exercise is relatively worthless for losing weight.  Maximum benefit is obtain from 15 to 30 minutes a day of brisk walking.  Almost 90% of your body's calories are burned simply maintaining your body temperature, is the issue.  It takes incredible amounts of exercise to burn enough calories to matter.  Running at top speed for an hour a day, is what is needed to go this route for weight loss.  Few people can do that so don't bother.

    A reduced calorie diet and sedentary living, can reduce your body's "set point", the body temperature your body maintains.  Mild exercise, counteracts this.  Like I said, walking for 15 minutes a day, gives maximum benefit for most people.

    If you want to lose weight, ONLY a reduced calorie diet is effective.  How much?  Depends on your s*x, age, weight and body composition.  A good book on that is Your Scientific Diet for Women by Alan Ritz.  Other books of merit on this issue are The Shangri-La Diet (an effective method of appetite suppression) and The Rosedale Diet (basically, what you should be eating if you want to be thin and healthy).

  5. Howdy it is an accepted fact that fad diets fail over 90% of the time. I advise that you have a look at its a really awesome site with lots of free help and advice. I lost 5 pounds in four weeks by doing as they advised  

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