
Looking for a good (but not extremely expensive) beginner SLR camera for fast, sports action.

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Ive always owned point and shoot digital cameras, but want to move up in the world. Without spending an insane amount of money, I want a beginner's SLR camera with fairly high fps for sports action (mainly motorsports). My budget is only about $600, and I know that for something real nice Id have to spend a lot more than that, but Im hoping Id be able to find something to meet my needs.

Also, can someone explain SLR lenses to me. I simply dont get it.

Say I were to buy a kit and it included a 18-55mm lense. Can I get away with only that lense, or is it no good?




  1. Stay away from the 2 top brands, Cannon and Nikon, even if looking for used. You will get far more bang for the buck with brands such as Konika, Olympus and Pentax. About a year ago, I got a Pentax SLR kit for $500 and a $100 mail in rebate because it was the end of a modle run and they had just came out with their new $700 modle. It came with an 18x55mm lens, but no card and no batteries. Cards are cheep (a 1 g now is less than $15) and though old news, (compaired to the new very expensive lithium cells) still use 4 MHz batteries that now have mA/hr ratings of at least 2500. 4 cell chargers are also less than $10. Unless you plan to do poster work, a pikel size between 5 to 7 will do fine for your type of work. I covered the last 2 (07 and 08) air shows and parades here in Dayton with mine and have excelent photos to show for it. Since I got mine, I have added a wired remote ($11 on-line) a 75x300mm lens, a lens filter adapter for the 18x55 lens (as I am able to use my UV and polarizing filters from my Miranda 35 SLR), and a UV filter for the 75x300 lens.  The 18x55 lens is a good all around lens and due to the 1.5x factor of a digital to a film SLR gives the same results as a 27mm wide angle to a 82.5mm telephoto. Over time you will want at least the 75x300mm lens and doing the math on that gets you up to a 400mm telephoto.  

  2. In the price segment you're looking at all cameras have between 2.5 and 3 frames per second.

    As for lenses, the 18-55mm is a good walk around lens (indoor, street photography, etc.) but for motor sports you'll need a lot more reach. The 70-300mm will do. It´s not the perfect lens for the job but is pretty inexpensive.

    Consider dropping from the D60 to the D40 (6 megapixels, 2.5 frames per second). The D40 with the 18-55mm costs about $450 at and they throw in a memory card. The 70-300 (without vibration reduction) costs $135 at B&H. Total $585.


    Argh, c**p. I knew something was wrong. The 70-300mm that I mentioned won´t work properly on the D40. There´s a more expensive Nikon 70-300mm that will ($480 for the lens) or you could get the D40 as a kit with the 18-55mm and a Nikon 55-200mm lens for $600 after a rebate

    You won´t have quite as much zoom, but for under $600 it´s probably your best bet.

    Canon can´t match this setup for under $600 - Nikon and Canon both have great stuff, but this is really bargain hunting. I´m not too familiar with other brands.


    Megazoom point & shoot cameras will give you a bit more zoom and megapixels for your money. Here´s a review for the P80

    For motor sports this might actually be a better camera... so long as you can anticipate for the 0.1 to 0.8  second delay between pressing the shutter button and actually taking the picture! This shutter lag is a major drawback of all point & shoot cameras. For every other type of photography the D40 will blow the P80 out of the water. So it´s a tough call. Personally, I´d get the D40.

    I had a megazoom point & shoot myself before I upgraded to a dSLR. The point & shoot took great pictures under perfect conditions but it´s limitations drove me crazy. I was used to a film SLR though, so maybe I was spoiled.

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