
Looking for a good outdoor camera?

by Guest67168  |  earlier

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My manager asked me if I know anything about cameras I told him not really but I'd try to find him something good but before I went off trying to find out stuff about something I'm not informed in so I thought I'd ask you guys.

What hes looking for:

Something durable that can withstand nature to a decent extent, he is a semi pro fisherman and wants it because he says he sees some interesting things on his tourney trips

Something with a good zoom/good quality

and last something around the range of 200-300 dollars, if you guys know anything that sounds like he would like it let me know thanks a lot.




  1. sony ericson

  2. look this cam up on google ( Fujifilm S700) its great for outdoors with tons of features(way to many to list right now) and a 10x optical zoom and 5x digital zoom most of all its at a very resonable  of no more than 200$ anywhere. for the best price tell bossman to go to radioshac.(DONT FORGET 2 LOOK IT UP FUR UR BOSS) i garen t u he will be pleased

  3. Sony Digital Camera

  4. I think this will be a good start.

    Considering the budget of $200 to $300, that ruled out any dSLR. So follow this link and enter what you need.

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