
Looking for a good vanilla....?

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I am wanting to order some good Mexican Vanilla. Someone suggested "Molina Vanilla".... has anyone heard of it and if so what do you think of it? Also, if anyone knows of a better one let me know. Thanks,





  1. Watkins has a very high quality vanilla extract.  It is double strength, an 11 oz bottle cost me about $14.00.  I just bought it today!  I found it in a country store.   According to the Watkins website:

    Watkins Vanilla is made from the world’s finest Madagascar Bourbon vanilla beans—brewed using the process we perfected over the course of a century. Our blending of ingredients makes the flavor bake-proof and freeze-proof as well as double-strength

    They offer free shipping....  see the link below.  Good cooking!

  2. Penzey's has good quality vanilla for a reasonable price. Stick with single strength. I buy all my spices from Penzey's.

  3. I use Nielsen-Massey Madagascar Bourbon pure vanilla extract.

    also I order vanilla beans from ebay....this might help you

    There are so many great extracts out there. In order to decide which kinds are the "best", it's important to recognize the three main varieties of premium vanilla beans which have been sun cured: Tahitian Vanilla Beans, Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla Beans (80% of the world's vanilla beans), and Real Mexican Vanilla Beans. Different people will swear by any one of these varieties. It's a matter of taste. You might consider how they are extracted and those with no artificial ingredients.

    Here are some sources for you to browse: (Probably the most complete source for all three varieties.)

    If you really want to taste the flavor, I would make a vanilla souffle or custard.

    Vanilla extract recipes:

    Search for "vanilla bean" recipes here:

    Have you ever considered making your own vanilla extract?

    Here's a recipe:

    Very Best Vanilla Extract

    2 Vanilla Beans or pods

    Good quality vodka or brandy

    Split the beans in half and put into a clean jar. Pour 1/2 cup of vodka or brandy over the beans, then close with the lid. Lightly invert the mixture every day for four to six weeks. You can strain out your beans or keep them in there. You can also add more vodka after you have used about half of your extract. Store away from direct sunlight.

    Vanilla beans can also be put in a cansiter with sugar and will create vanilla flavored sugar in about one week.

    A good vanilla bean is dark in color and pliable, you can bend it without breaking it.

  4. Madagascar vanilla is considered the best - although I've always gotten concentrated Mexican vanilla.  I've never worried about the brand though.  When we lived in Southern California, I'd just go into Mexico and buy it by the quart:)  (sold in the pharmacies there) - but I DID always get the concentrated.. The alcohol content is proportionately lower then;  check the alcohol % of different ones.   ... You can find Mexican and Madagascar vanilla on eBay

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