
Looking for a homeschool mom.?

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I homeschool my 8 year old son. I'm looking for an online friend to help me with some questions i have. I would really like to speak with another homeschool mom in NC. However any & all help would be appreciated.




  1. There is a great Yahoo support group on line called Home schooling Boys, I have found much support, humor and advice.

    We have all girls, and one boy,  "ALL boy", it help to run things by other moms from time to time.

  2. Join one of the many Yahoo groups for homeschooling.  There are many and some are local groups.

  3. Online groups can set you in the right direction. I suggest you try CafeMom since they can also be State based.

    If you like, email me at am not in NC, but I have a 9 yr old girl and will do my best to guide you.

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