
Looking for a internet/phone/cable combo package.?

by  |  earlier

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I'm looking for an internet, phone, and cable package and I'm confuse about which one to get. I'm in the NY area if that helps any.

Currently, I have verizon dsl and it was okay it was 17.99 and now it's 29.99 a month. There's 4 tvs in the house, two analog and two 1080i sets currently recieving over the air broadcasting and AT&T phone.

What would be the best and cheapest package for all three features. I was also wondering what would the monthly fee be after the introduction price. I'm willing to get rid of verizon dsl and at&t.





  1. try, that's who I use.  you might want to buy some new tvs or get a converter box because in february of next year all the tv signals are going digital and analog tvs won't get a signal.

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