
Looking for a laptop computer specifically for what im gonna use it for?

by  |  earlier

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Im gonna write reports for school on it and will def be downloading games like world of warcraft and guild wars ect and it would be totally awesome if i could get a printer too without the cost going up to much. any advice? im gonna leave this question up till around my b-day so it'll prob be up for awhile if anyone can help its greatly appreciated.




  1. How about a ThinkPad?  I know they're not as s**y looking as other laptops, but they're tough to break, and have excellent support:

    This one comes with a built in fingerprint scanner which will keep your roomate from reading your email.  

    But you don't have to pay full price for it, because Bob Johnson's site has a used / refurb one:

    It's even in-warranty with IBM still, and then, Bob Johnson's Limited Lifetime Warranty takes over.  He even offers a student discount of 3%, not much, but hey, it's found money.

    The beauty of Thinkpads is, they have a very long lifetime.  Most of them last 7-10 years, unlike other, more fragile laptops with a lifespan of 3-5 years.  They're the Volvo of laptops.  :-)

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