
Looking for a list of titles of celtic nobles!!!?

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I have search all over the internet looking for a list of titles for Celtic nobles. I don't need names of who they were. Just their title or rank they were. Ex. Queen, King, lady in waiting, and knights.

I found some pages talking about certain reigns of power but nothing with a list of ranks in the courts.




  1. With the loss of the Celtic languages and literature we lost a lot about their cultural divisions.  The earliest tales are known only through the Christianized versions retained by the Church, which naturally reflected Christian culture of the time.  You might try the Mabinogian or the Tales of CuChulain, they will at least give you a starting point.

  2. the celts lived in clan communities the leaders were most likely chieftains or some may have called themselves king. when the romans first invaded Britain they recorded names of some of the kings and queens. as far as i know they did not have a peerage like what you think of in medieval times or even today. it most likely was the king and queen their advisers, a general or two and the druids if they had any although you could place a druid up with the king or just below him. i have done a bit of research on the celts and i haven't found anything that breaks down ranks ie duke earl viscount baron etc.  

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