
Looking for a network monitoring program?

by  |  earlier

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I'm looking for a Windows network monitoring program to monitor my bandwidth on a single computer and log my usages over periods of time.

Looking around for this to prepare for Comcast's upcoming bandwidth cap next month.




  1. Wireshark and the Microsoft Network Network Monitor are both protocol analyzers; they peer inside the things your network is sending, but they're both quite overkill for what you're wanting to do, and a beast to learn besides.

    In digging around for an answer to your question (you have aroused my curiosity), I found a blog post and a link to NetStat Live, a simple-looking program that will probably do what you want it to do.  NetStat Live is free, and monitors both uploads and downloads.  The only thing I don't see is that it logs your usage over time -- you might want to investigate elsewhere if you really want to log your usage.  Links provided below.


    It used to be Ethereal.  This may be way overkill for what you're wanting to monitor.

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