
Looking for a new car ... advice??

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My boyfriend is driving a 1994 Chevy Cavalier and has put $2000 of work into it in the last year or so. He wants to get something new, probably by next summer but sooner if possible. He really wants an SUV for more room driving things to and from college. But, with gas prices like they are, he needs something that gets good mpg. He is looking for something used, most likely, anywhere from year 2000 and up. Any advice?




  1. If you are still thinking of a suv then i would think about the ford explorer. My wife has a 2001 and it has been great she drives about 75 miles a day and it gets around 20.5 mpg to 22.0 mpg on the highway. takes about 70 bucks to fill it up though but at 4 dollars a gallon that is not to bad. She got it with 68,000 miles and it now has 108,000 miles and not one problem at all. Hope this helps

  2. I bet he would love a Yukon highbred, they get up to 23 miles a gallon, big vehicle too!

  3. if yu wanna go slightly used look at a chevy trailblazer, 2 year old car with under 40k can be had for 15k all day long

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