
Looking for a part time organization group for my little girl?

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I am trying to find something that I could sign my step daughter up for. she really wants to play scocer or be a girl scout. But we only have her every other weekend. We live in central IL. I am more than willing to volunteer my time if it means that she would get to be a part of something




  1. Soccer, if her mother is willing, she can do if you live close enough  

    I had my daughter in Soccer, and there was a girl on the team where both parents took terms taking them to game and practice

    You can try Dance, see it a Dance studio will let her come every other week

  2. Put her into don't HAVE to go to the meetings every week.  It would help if you explained your situation to the troop leader.

  3. Girl Scouts sign up at school and at many churches. If the school one is out check a local church. Call the YMCA about sports teams. My youngest played YMCA soccer when he was younger. Good luck, this will be great for her.

  4. OK, I'm a Girl Scout leader, so I will speak of what I know. Girl Scouts prides itself in being flexible, for "every girl, everywhere" so they should have some options for you.

    Many troops in my area meet every other weekend, so the first step is to go to council finder and see what is available:

    You could even start a troop that meets when your stepdaughter is around. Again ask your council if there are local girls on a waiting list - you could ask if a local representative can help you start a co-op troop (where each family takes turn planning and running meetings, so no one has to carry the full load).

    She can even sign up as an individual Girl Scout, or Juliette, and then you can bring her to any Girl Scout events that happen on your weekend.

    Thank you for wanting to do this for your stepdaughter!

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