
Looking for a place to live.?

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I live in AZ. It is extremely hot, very conservative, and not very diverse in my opinion. I am looking to move to a different state. I am young, have no kids, and one dog. Originally I was looking at Seattle, but I keep hearing that it is very expensive to live there. Some of the characteristics of my future home would be affordable areas to live in, safe neighborhoods, greenery, liberal, dog friendly weather, friendly people and not extremely cold. What are some areas that you would recommend and why?




  1. cali its not too cold ever very diverse mabey a nice part of london  fits all your criteria or if you dont mind occasional cold london is the melting pot of the Uk. im form london and ive been to london both beautiful and wonderful in their or eclectic way

  2. NY is great... But expensive...Chicago is one of my favorite cities but can have humid summers and very cold winters.  

    I would say Vegas, but it's very hot here also.  Easy to find work or an apt though.

  3. cali its not too cold ever very diverse mabey a nice part of LA or Miami fits all your criteria or if you dont mind occasional cold NY is the melting pot of the US besides hawaii, im form hawaii and ive been to NYC both beautiful and wonderful in their or eclectic way

  4. Oregon is your best bet.  I have lived in Seattle--over 20 years--but would except for work, live in Oregon.  Cheaper, better weather, good social services, great foods and fishing and variety of peoples.  Easy to get to California, Nevada, Idaho, and Washington.  Life to live over?....then off to Oregon I go.

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