
Looking for a place to meet new people online that I won't meet weirdos???

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Looking for a place to meet new people online that I won't meet weirdos???




  1. That place would need to be watched carefully. I'm not sure there is such a place.

  2. There are clubs but I don't know the name and they are meant for internet users to meet one another. Some people actually organize a gathering, invites all internet users and the ones who showed up look pretty normal.

  3. Well, the internet is full of weirdos.

    The trick is to get a group of weirdos together that share interests, lol.

    j/k. Really though, I find that online forums tend to have less drama, less stalker-ish people, andless people just trying to hit on you.

    Search for a forum that revolves around on of your interest.

    Example: If you like writing, search 'writing forums' and you'll get a list of different forums to check out. (A good one, for writing, is

    The cool thing about forums is you can look around first before you decide to join, so you can know in advance what kind of people you'll be talking to.

    -hope this helps

  4. Well Facebook and Yahoo answers are good places.

    Hope this helps


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