
Looking for a quiet /comfortable place I can study near the bklyn/queens border (Greenpoint/ LIC)?

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I also need a power outlet for my laptop. I tried the library in greenpoint but the kids are too loud and are constantly running around making it difficult to focus.




  1. Howdy! I've happen to live in Greenpoint my entire life, and I know its not easy to find quiet places around here anymore! There are some internet cafes that are around now that do have plugs and internet connections for your laptob, and they may be quiet enough to study. There are a lot of these internet cafes around, especially on Bedford Avenue, and the starbucks on Manhattan Avenue between Greenpoint Avenue and Kent St. has internet connection, outlets for laptops and is usually pretty quiet in there (plus they have nice seats and couches to relax while you are in there).

    I know what you mean about the library here! I stopped going there a long time ago due to all of those kids running around in circles and now I only use the library on my college's campus. Also, the staff at the Greenpoint library is not too good and they take forever to give you help if you need it.

    If you can't find an internet cafe that is quiet enough, there is a library in Williamsburg on the corner of Leonard St and Devoe St. I don't think that too many kids hang out there, and its not too far from Greenpoint and LIC.

    There might be a library in LIC but I'm not too sure where it is, but if you search online I'm sure you can find its location.

    Anyway best of luck and I hope you're studying goes well.

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